A Summer Swansong Before Summer

Just before the summer of 2023 begins, let’s imagine it dead for a few minutes. It’s really not that bad.

2 min readMar 21, 2023
Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

Time’s up for summer! And here is your song to bid farewell. We tried to be optimistic. After all, and in spite of your rage, a leaving summer is the best summer. People from the North are obsessed with it. People from the south could not care less.

It has been months of getting on a plane with your husband and kids, then breaking melting asphalt near the Mediterranean, just walking, just keep on walking until you reach the sand. Sunglasses, suntan, then staring at the sea for hours, occasionally sharing a quick chat with the family and completely ignoring others.

Then time for a J.K. Rowling novel and eating your hours being so democratic and civilized. Skins getting thicker, kids getting darker and more obese, and dialogues draining. Then lunch time. Then read some more and ignore all others. Then taking a quick glimpse at other people around you with sunglasses and husbands and beach balls and kids and sand buckets, who also happen to be completely ignoring your presence. You do not need them. Your children are full. You have a Rowling in your hand and even if that is over there is A Song of Ice and Fire.




The Noise of Time — Music, Culture, Lost Futures, Possible Futures, Degradation, Silver Linings, Vanity, Elegance, And Then Some More Music