Member-only story
Basic Vaporwave
Albums that defined the genre for me. (Two are by the same artist, actually!)
It was not that long ago when, drowning in a shopping mall music longing, we found ourselves Betamax-ed at the sights and sounds of vaporwave. It was alien but sweet of sorts. In hindsight, it would have been nice to take a quick glance at our impressions over the first three vaporwave/seapunk albums we heard.
Since then, we took an oath not to change the channel on Euronews weather forecasts. Actually, we should write about weather forecasts more. Anyway, read us gasping and gulping in awe before that happens.
札幌コンテンポラリーby 情報デスクVIRTUAL
My induction into vaporwave’s hall of anti-capitalism. There is nothing surprising going on here. You are in a shopping mall somewhere in Seoul or Tokyo and the vibes were supposed to be somewhere in the depth of your subliminal heedlessness. And that’s precisely where 札幌コンテンポラリー is meant to hit you. And well it doesn’t. And that’s the whole point. And that’s quite a comfort. This album made me delve much deeper into the genre. Beautiful unchallenging breezy background music for almost anything.